Data Protection & Cyber Security Consultancy
Accountability is one of the key principles in data protection law. Organisations must take responsibility and demonstrate compliance with the data protection law.  
We can develop everything you need in order to demonstrate compliance from start to finish or evaluate what you have in place. We design bespoke packages that suits the needs of your organisation, based on what you have or don't have in place.
Whether we will need to start from scratch or take over from where you have left off, we will ensure a smooth process and step by step implementation so that you and your teams don't get overwhelmed and are able to continue to focus on the core activities of your business. An initial phone consultation with us is always free, so do give us a call to see how we can help you. 
Apart from a full and bespoke Data Protection solution packages, some of the services we deliver include:
Governance Structure review
Providing bespoke Data Protection and Cyber Security Strategy. Frameworks and operating models
Policy review
Policy Development 
Gap Analysis 
DSPT (Data Security and Protection Toolkit) reviews 
Information Governance review 
Records Management  
Incident Data Breach Management 
ROPA compliance map (if required extended to full information assessment management compliance map)